Thursday, 20 June 2013

#29 Hangovers

Since I've started out on this little collection of 30 escapades there have been a few signs pointing towards me getting a bit old.

I shall present these in bullet point form as that is what old people tend to do:

  • After the marathon, it took a good 4 weeks before my knees stopped hurting (Tough Mudder seems to have sorted that out now though)
  • My long suffering wife is no longer happy plucking individual grey hairs from my head. She claims she'd rather have a (dashing) grey haired husband than a bald one. Fair point I suppose
  • I've gone back to thinking that Simply Red's Stars is one of the greatest albums of all time
  • I've caught myself complaining at how kids these days think they're entitled to a free pass and easy rid (In my day we had to work 18 hour days for thruppence ha'penny you know)
  • However, most worrying of all of these are the multi-day hangovers
Me and the O-H hydrocarbons have always had a deal. On week nights, the little chaps always get away mostly un-drunk but on weekends, anything goes. In return for my benevolent weekday abstinence from ethanolocide, the little 'cohols and I had a clear and simple arrangement:

One night on the lash = One day feeling shocking afterwards.

#26 A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words... I'm just going to leave this here:

Friday, 19 April 2013

#1 42,195m

I'm a cynical bugger.

Over-niceness, patronising praise and often simply the presence of the general public annoy me no end.

If people don't have their oyster card ready before reaching the barrier, walk side by side on a busy pavement or decide to take touristy photographs in a public place the red mist descends and this is shortly followed by some of the most extreme passive-aggressive sighing that would ever be deemed acceptable within a polite British society.

Last Sunday, however, people were awesome.

Monday, 1 April 2013

#21 Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiinnnssss

Two posts in one day? Madness!

Continuing the theme of lying in bed on an almost spring like Easter Monday, did I mention that I enjoy the odd spot of Xbox-ing every now and then?

Nothing helps to relieve the stress of everyday life than unloading the perfect 5-shot into the cranium of a pre-pubescent American 12 year old (through the medium of Xbox live before anyone starts phoning any emergency services). Almost as good is picking up the controller to essentially take part in a movie. Games have come a long way since Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner on my Amstrad with genuine storytelling, tension and, of course, explosive action.

But enough geekery for one day, back to the challenges...

#7 Aurora Borealis

My bed at home is awesome.

It's king sized, more comfortable than a ball pool filled with candy floss (although significantly less tasty) and mechanically produces a TV out the end upon the simple press of the button to allow in-bed-Xbox-playing during the early afternoon of an Easter Monday when the wife is gallivanting around in Australia.

A few weeks ago, life was less comfortable - sandwiched between two single mattresses in a double sleeping bag with one of the world's most prominent bed hogs in sub-zero temperatures whilst being overlooked by a couple of sinister figures was less than the five star luxury I have come to expect during my shut-eye.