Monday, 1 April 2013

#21 Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiinnnssss

Two posts in one day? Madness!

Continuing the theme of lying in bed on an almost spring like Easter Monday, did I mention that I enjoy the odd spot of Xbox-ing every now and then?

Nothing helps to relieve the stress of everyday life than unloading the perfect 5-shot into the cranium of a pre-pubescent American 12 year old (through the medium of Xbox live before anyone starts phoning any emergency services). Almost as good is picking up the controller to essentially take part in a movie. Games have come a long way since Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner on my Amstrad with genuine storytelling, tension and, of course, explosive action.

But enough geekery for one day, back to the challenges...
Challenge #21 Go on a "Zombie Hunting" day with friends has actually been completed twice (any complaints if I count it twice instead of "get a six pack" in the overall list of 30?!?).

First up was 2.8 Hours Later in the east end of London on Halloween night. My and my crack team of fellow zombie hunters arrived at a car park in the docklands to receive a map, a first location, and wishes of good luck. What followed was a treasure hunt through parks, storage containers, residential streets and a disused car park to find the next clue and eventually arrive at the pub. Quite the incentive.

One slight problem, aside from the millions of Londoners not involved in the game, and the hundreds of others that were, we were the only survivors of the zombie apocalypse. Chased through multi-storey carparks, across fields and leapt out upon in underpasses, a simple treasure hunt turned into a brilliant evenings entertainment.

Sadly, with the exception of the lady, we lost...

Not happy with the overall quantity of zombie, I then bought my bro and I tickets to ZED Events Zombie Shopping Mall for Christmas.

Having grown up in Reading, the prospect of wandering through the now derelict Friars Walk shopping centre was too much to resist. So a couple of weekends ago, that's where we headed.

This experience was fantastic - really like being in a film. Armed with airsoft shotguns and led through the mall by a couple of actors, the 18 of us really did experience the zombie apocalypse first hand.

Seeing apparently dead bodies lurch back to (after) life was terrifying, taking out the zombie clown with a well placed shotgun blast just as satisfying as shooting 12 year old Americans and seeing the body-armoured zombie policeman carry on stumbling towards you despite an arsenal of survivors unloading their 12-gauges was a superb experience that I would recommend to anyone.

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